The Revelation
On Sept 15th, 2022 I asked the Lord for revelation about His name. The presence of God came over me and I would have to just had to stop and pray in the spirit. I started seeing visions. The first thing I saw was the word “trite” highlighted.
Then I saw people who I knew represented believers. They were in a battle of some sort. I didn’t see who they were fighting but they had small swords in their hand. In the middle of them was a man with a very large sword. I knew that he represented the Body of Christ.
He was also in a fighting position. He had the sword in his hand but was trying to fight using the “butt” or the “hilt” of the sword. He did not know how to use it. I had this knowing that in the vision the sword represented the name of Jesus. Once the man had a revelation about the power of the name of Jesus he knew to turn the sword the right way. He knew then how to use it correctly.
I then was shown another person in that scene that did not have a sword. They were holding out their two fists. One fist represented the power of the name of Jesus. The other fist represented the power of the blood of Jesus. I had a sense that the Lord was saying, “If my people only knew the power of what is already in their hands…the blood and the name.”
A couple of takeaways
The definition of Trite is: “hackneyed or boring from much use: not fresh or original”. Some synonyms of trite are commonplace, stale, well-worn, tired, musty, cliche, and threadbare.
There is so much to unpack here, but let’s take a look at some verses about the name.
Exodus 20:7 (AMP) “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain [that is, irreverently, in false affirmations or in ways that impugn the character of God]; for the Lord will not hold guiltless nor leave unpunished the one who takes His name in vain [disregarding its reverence and its power].”
Leviticus 19:12 (NKJV) “12 And you shall not swear by My name falsely, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.”
I took a closer look at the word “Profane” in LEV 19:12. That word in Hebrew is:
- ḤĀLAL which means profane, defile, desecrate, make common, to violate the honor of, to treat as common, to wound, and dissolve.
- The root word of ḤĀLAL is ḤĀLÂ which means to become weak, diseased, to be worn, grieved, and to become sorry.
I was really blown away when I looked this up. Wow. It really made me start asking the hard questions. How often have I used His name as a way to close out a prayer without giving thought to the reverence of it? Has His name, the one that the demons hear and tremble at, become common to me? Do I truly understand the power and reverence of His name?
The name above every name.
I’m going to be honest, I need to grow in this area. I think as the body of Christ (not everyone of course but as a whole) we may have lost the meaning of things. As it’s been passed down, in some ways it’s something that has become commonplace. Something akin to just a story or information to acquire. It’s something we talk about as casually as the weather.
The name of Jesus isn’t just a magical word that we slap on at the end of prayers. It’s faith in Who is behind the name and what He’s done.
I don’t know about you friend, but I want to know how to honor His name fully. I want to know and wholly understand what He’s already placed in our hands and how to use it. I need a fresh revelation about the power of His blood and the power of His name. In the coming weeks, I am going to dig into scripture to see what the Word says about His name and His blood. I hope you will join me. ❤